We have now come to the start of our weekly harvest baskets. While some items are taking off, others are being beaten by the weeds, and eaten by the slugs & snails...and other items are yet to be planted.
We had an unusual heat wave a couple weeks back that sent a lot of our green items to seed, sadly. We are still hopeful at this point, as we start replanting some greens, and others are finally getting started.
We also are getting our tomatoes, peppers, cukes, and squashes in the ground - and we are happy to have items ready and looking lovely for the upcoming baskets. Here are some of the items available now:
Kohlrabi & Broccoli!
Lettuce (and a salad mix).
We are very happy to have our share holders and friends come out and help us weed :) Also, come walk through the rows with us and see what you can spot. Today I was excited to see a baby 'cauliflower' head making an appearance!
Nice to see the peppers and tomatoes taking to the soil!