Sunday, 12 August 2012

I just love watching the garden change, from the first site of life to the way the community really gets involved and changes too! Having the CSA in the middle of a community garden has really been inspiring! It is really amazing watching all the gardens grow, the different types of food, the way people plant and maintain to how the food grows in different soil conditions. Building soil is so important and will be a focus from now throughout the fall. We have an abundance of compost! Now on another note: I wanted to share these pictures as I saw some pretty beautiful things at the garden and one of them was this once black plastic potato challenge bucket turned into a potato mansion! Now only Mr. Potato head was home at the time..but word on the street is that the entire family just love their new home!

 This is the next stage for the artichoke going to seed! The tips as you can see have started to brown.

We have been quite crafty with finding used thrown out materials and using them for our squash to climb and show off their beauty!

Some more refabing!

Baby cucumbers... perfect for pickling!


Green tomatoes on their way! Notice the hay on the ground?? This helps with mulching, keeping water in the soil and preventing it from evaporating and will provide nutrients back into the soil! Did I mention it is pretty good at helping keep the weeds under control too!

Bean Hills!

Here is a little eye spy with my little eye!! Ok so as much as most people dislike weeds they can sometimes be beneficial too! Our sweet crop of tomatoes have been protected from their neighbours and have not been harmed by slugs or any of their other enemies! We will be going through and placing hay soon so we can string up and secure these babies!!

Ok this is one of my favourites! Tomatillos=delicious! I love these pictures too, so I thought I should share:)

 Flowers are also edible this is an example of a garden that is so pretty but totally edible too! I love nasturtiums!

Our view from the CSA!

Other people at the community garden have made tributes to loved ones... It is so awesome to walk into the CSA passing all the garden beds knowing there has been so much care and love put into them!

Well thats all for now! Thanks for stoping by!
helping you grow

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